Today the company employs 340 people.
Age structure of employees:
- 20-29 years old-20%;
- 30 – 39 years-25%;
- 40 – 49 years-45%;
- 50 and older-10%.
According to the gender:
Women – 95%, men-5%.
Clothing factory consists of: two buildings with total area of 2800 sq.m. territory of the factory - 1.7 hectares.
The first building is a four-storey administrative one, where the management bodies, accountancy, medical center, and household premises. are placed.
The second building is a three-storey production one:
- the tailoring workshop,
- the sewing workshop №1,
- the sewing workshop №2,
- the experimental workshop,
- the embroidery workshop,
- the accessories warehouse;
- the warehouse of the readymade products.
Since 1998 the clothing factory has operated on the basis of supplied raw materials. During this time the partners LLC “Clothing factory “Confidence” have been such companies as: “Alsico” (Belgium), “The Mascot”, “Sallinen” (Denmark), “Gemor Fashion” (Slovakia), “Teamdress Rofa” (Germany). Today the enterprise closely cooperates with the German partners “3Punkt” and “Uvex”. Experts of the clothing factory have mastered the manufacture of over 2,000 models of winter and summer work clothes (overalls, half-overalls, jackets, trousers, waistcoats).